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The 4 Boxes

 I like John Wilder. He's often funny, always worth reading, and, this post - well, it's needed, at this time.

The Election Fraud cannot be ignored (except in the minds of Leftists - I REFUSE to call them either "Progressive" or "Democratic" anymore). Even Dems are agreeing - approximately 30% agree that there was substantial fraud in this election. The Saner/More Honest People (NLDs - Non-Leftist Dissidents) support the idea that the election was stolen by around 60% or MORE.

That's a huge number that, at least, QUESTION the results.

And, yet, for the Media - crickets.

Other than falling all over themselves to tout Biden/Harris as President-Elect and Official Backup. NO hesitation in crowning the pair Officially Next in Line.

They ridicule claims of fraud, refuse to actually commit journalism, and insist on claiming that Trump is acting like a tyrant, merely for refusing to concede.

The mobs are out for Trump's scalp. The collaborators at the state level are falling into line, proclaiming that they WILL certify Biden/Harris as the winner, without waiting for any court decision or public investigation.

We're fast approaching the time for the Fourth Box to be used.

Those who would be our All-But-Crowned Rulers seem to have forgotten the essential nature of Americans. We're not noted for hanging around, waiting to be given PERMISSION by our rulers.

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