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'Prophet Muhammad' now a dirty word

They can say "ass" on television these days, but they can't say "Prophet Muhammad" (peas be upon him). Last night, on "South Park," every utterance of "Prophet Muhammad" (piss be upon him) was bleeped out, just like the words "fuck" and "shit."

Click here for the latest example of disgusting cowardice by the American media in the face of maniac terrorists.

As of this writing, the show still isn't up on the South Park website for those who might want to watch a comprensible version of the show, just to see exactly how stupid the Lions of Islam are.

Once again, the American media cowers in the face of psychotic Muslims, even the retarded ones who issue death threats over a cartoon show IN WHICH THEIR IMAGINARY FRIEND MUHAMMAD DIDN'T EVEN APPEAR! (He wasn't even in the damn bear costume in Part One of the episode, as was revealed last night.)

While I agree that "the Prophet Muhammad" in the same category as "fuck" and "shit" and "piss"--words that should never be uttered in civilized company--I hate the fact that yet another bunch of Muslim mental cases are getting their way. Will SOMEONE in the media with a real platform PLEASE tell these Islamic assholes to go fuck themselves?!

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