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Within the spiritual cities of the dusty planet Jedha, its peoples and culture celebrating the Force and the once Jedi Knights (as well as being an intriguing lead-in to the opening events of THE FORCE AWAKENS), simmering tensions are building against the occupying Imperial legions. A scenario that Jyn Erso and Captain Cassian Andor will surely exploit to the full, during the middle explosive storytelling of ROGUE ONE.

Rogue One Director Explains Why Spiritual New Planet Jedha Is So Important - MTV

Forty-eight minute official STARWARS.COM version of CELEBRATION panel (minus the big unintentional spoiler): Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Panel | Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 - YouTube

Other ROGUE ONE news:

Rogue One Opening Crawl Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 - YouTube
Star Wars: Rogue One creatures Pao, Bistan introduced | EW.com
EW Reveals Bios Of 'Rogue One' Alien Characters | The Star Wars Underworld
New 'Rogue One' Character Revealed At #SDCC | The Star Wars Underworld
John Knoll Interview | Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 - YouTube

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