LA Times Kenneth Turan looks back with Almodovar at his brilliant career.
Hindustan Times congratulates Penelope Cruz for Volvering back to Pedro.
Nicks Flick Picks accidentally started a whole Pedro conversation. Go over there right now and tell him why he should love Almodovar like the rest of us. Sic' em!
Amandas MsAdventures This isn't about Almodovar but it does reference him briefly in a fun way. It's a story about insomnia and living in Manhattan.
Tom Fosgard considers Women on the Verge... a favorite and urges newbies to start with All About My Mother

In other Pedro gossip, reader Antonio tells us over at the ongoing Pedro Muse poll that the reason that Carmen Maura and Pedro Almodovar had the falling out in 1989 (Volver is her first movie with him since then) is that Pedro didn't take her to the Oscars that year.
Those damn Oscars. They ruin everything.
tags: Pedro Almodovar, movies, Spain, Volver, film, Academy Awards, Oscars
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