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My First Experience in Clinique Star Tour 2011 ♡

Well. Sorry for the late post. I am supposed to blog about my first experience in the Clinique Star Tour event which was held in Midvalley on last Saturday and Sunday. Due to rally happened on last Saturday, i went on Sunday to experience my first makeover from Clinique.

This is the mobile truck.

Registration counter.

Star Tour details.

I went there rather early cause i didnt want to wait for quite long. My registration number was 17 and thank god that i didn't have to wait for so long. 

The girl who served me was nice and friendly. 

She even briefed me on details that i should fill up and treatments or makeover that i would be getting after that. 

Thanks to my friend, Zian for being my photographer of the day. He was kind and patient enough to take shots of each steps of the process and makeover that i was going to have later on. 

Busy filling up the form. 

The mobile truck from the other point of view.

Was focusing while filling up the form. =p

After filling up the form, i went into the truck and waited for my turn. I was feeling excited actually. My friend took a lot of photos while waiting for me. =) 

While waiting for my turn. 

The crew then asked me about my skin conditions before he proceeded to wash and cleanse my face.

The crew was washing my face.

*ouch* I felt a tingling effect after the toner was applied on my face.

The moisturising gel was then applied to my face after the exfoliating step was done and i went over to the hairdo session collaborating with the Miko Galere as well. They did curls on my hair.

Feeling nervous cause i seldom curled my hair. =p

Wanna look on my hairstyle? Check the photo below. Don't be surprised. I took the photo below to show to my sister, Jamie after the hairdo was done.

Look at my curls! LOL.

Finally i get to try on the Clinique make-up products. This crew who helped to put the make-up was awesome.

*whatsapp-ing with sis* LOL.

She was patient enough and helped to put on the make-up step by step. 

She even taught me on how to make my eyes look bigger by just applying the eyeliner and smudge them after i had it on my lids.

She also used the eye shadow to put on the bottom eye line and smudge it. Normally i would use pencil to draw on my lower eye line. I didn't know that eye shadow can be used too. *sounds like a hooligan* I'm not that kind of girl who used to put on heavy make up or  play with make up cause i didnt have the time to do so since i'm in the final year now. But thanks to Clinique for giving me such opportunity to learn more of the beauty tips. =)

Now comes to the eye brows. She didn't trim them cause this time they do not provide such treatment in the makeover. She was kind to put on concealer or eye brow pencil on my eyebrows to make my brows did not look messy and bushy. =) I never really trim my eye brows cause i find it not really important. But after this make over, i find it useful and important to have our eyebrows trimmed as without make up, eyebrows can model the look or face to be more presentable. 

While waiting for my makeover to get it done, suddenly it rained heavily. And the crews were kind to bring out the umbrellas for the girls and guys (for those who were waiting for their gfs to get the makeover done) in case they got themselves wet while standing outside the mobile truck. 

And back to my makeover, it took me kinda long to complete it. But i'm satisfied with the makeover. My photographer was really good and stood there waiting. 

And finally it's almost done. And the crew was putting on the lip gloss on my lips to make my lips look pouty and shiny. But i couldn't get used to it cause i'm not that kind of girl who loved to put on the lip gloss or lip balm.

It was almost done and i could finally have a photo shoot from Clinique. I was shocked to see my look cause my makeup looked kinda heavy and couldn't get used to it. 

And it was my turn to have a photoshoot. The photographer asked me have a sexy pose. But i was kinda uncomfortable with the pose and the photo turned out to be ugly. 

Sorry about my outfit. Wasn't feeling well that day cause i was sick. So i put on my F21 long sleeves boyfie tee with a pair of long jeans with a iPanema sandals. 

The photos turned out to be ugly and i told the photographer that i wanted to take it again. But they said it was nice. But i'm darn lazy to take again. Therefore i agree to choose the 3rd photo to be posted in their webpage. I just joined the star tour for fun and i just want to share this piece of experience of mine with my friends on how awesome the Clinique Star Tour was.

So remember to log in to the website and vote for me once the tour ends in August. =) Thanks to the readers first. *loves* After the photo shooting i can proceed to the gift collection counter to claim my door gift which worth RM130. 

I personally love the Clinique products alot. I wish to own all the ranges they have out there. *being greedy here* hehe. The crew was sweet looking and i personally knew her cause i used to buy the products from her. She always give me good advices and beauty tips on how to take care of my skin. 

I took a photo with her and happy to talk to her. (She still remembers me though.) Hehe.

Thanks Clinique for organising such nice and amazing event cause every girls out there have the opportunity to try on Clinique products and full makeover. Thank you to Samsung, Miko Galere and Cleo magazine for their priceless support. 


Door gift which worth RM130, consists of Cleo magazine, Miko Galere vouchers and facial products were given to all the participants who had joined the star tour that day. Finally i could have my brunch after the makeover. I felt great and thanks to Clinique, Miko Galere and Cleo Magazine for the star treatments. After the make over i finally went home to have a long rest since i was sick and took a shot of myself before i personally removed all the make-ups.

Honestly, it was a splendid experience for me. I just wanna thank to Cleo, Miko Galere, Clinique and Samsung once again. Thanks to my friend as well for accompanying me that day. Hope to hear this Star Tour in next year. Will be happy to join and have the chance of becoming a star. ♡ 

P.s: Gotta continue with my piled-up assignments and final year project. They are awaiting me to get them done before my finals are coming in months' time. Grrrr... FYP oh FYP! *alarm ringing*  


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