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I know that Urban Decay's Naked 2 palette is not new to the blogosphere and that the new Basics palette is doing the rounds but last night when I was presented with the Naked 2 by Dave. I was ecstatic. I had a bad day yesterday which made him feel sorry for me and give me this palette as an early Christmas gift. I did have a different post scheduled for today but as this has made me so incredibly happy I wanted to share it with you all straight away.

Firstly I am in utter shock that Dave actually knows who Urban Decay are! His story went like this:

'I was wandering round Debenhams and I know you always hang around that Urban stand cooing so I went over and they had these palettes on display and I remember something about Naked and MUA so I thought I'd get the 2 to be on the safe side and then I got attacked by the sales girls saying it was really good and smiling at me in this really scary way so I grabbed it and ran to the till...'

If anyone has seen Dave try to shop in beauty halls they will know that this is most definitely how it went down. He gets a little wide-eyed and over-faced by it. He will have actually run to the till too. I've seen it happen. It's hilarious.

I creased myself laughing but he does listen to me when I babble on about makeup and blogging so I didn't know what I was more thrilled about - the fact that he actually remembered something I said that wasn't to do with The Big Bang Theory or the fact that he had actually bought me something, without me having to write it down for him, that I have been lusting after for a long time now.

When I was younger it was my sister that used makeup and I read my books. For Christmas she would often receive palettes of Urban Decay eye-shadows and at one point, when she was 14, I think she had about 7-8 different palettes. She did my makeup for a boxing match with them once and I was completely blown away by how lovely they all looked and how amazing they were to wear. I just never owned any of my own until now (many moons later... well I was a late bloomer!) and what a way to start my collection!

The packaging is a sturdy tin that houses 12 different, highly pigmented, beautiful neutral shades. These range from matte, to pearl to shimmer. They're stunning and perfect for creating any kind of look for day or night. They looking amazing wet or dry too. They come with a double-ended applicator that is designed for the crease and all-over lid.

I will be creating looks with it in the future so hopefully there will be a post featuring those coming soon. I've recently changed my camera from my iPhone 4S to my Lumix, now that it's finally fixed and out of the cupboard, so I'm still working on how it adjusts to light and how to take self-portraits when I can't see the screen. Let me know if you have any tips for me. I'm now off to play with my new eye-shadows!

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