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General Hair Care Tips for healthy hair

                       Generally we spend more time for caring our hair but we don’t know that which is useful or not to us. Here I give more simple tips for your hair.  Read here about Hair Care Tips for healthy hair.

      Even small tips also we don’t about hair care. Just we take head bathing, drying the hair and then combing. This is not proper way for protecting our hair. So we should know more tips of hair care to protect from hair falling, dandruff etc.

Rinse your hair properly

                Avoid taking head bath every day. If you take daily bath and shower it will strip your hair of its natural oils. 

                       Before washing your hair massage with shampoo and conditioner up to 40 seconds. Who have oily hair, they should repeat the process once more but note it use only shampoo. To prevent dandruff by massage the top of your head. If you have curly or wavy hair use a sulfate and silicone free shampoo.

                      Who want softer silkier looking hair; apply the conditioner on your hair for a few minutes before you rinse it off. Pour conditioner into your hand and massage from the tips of your hair to the roots. Because of more circulation that will good for your scalp.

                     Try to wash your hair with cool water. This seals the hair cuticles and hair in moisture, changing it shinier. Who have very oily or dirty hair, occasionally use the hot water for wash your hair.

Dry out your hair in a careful method
                  Blow dryer is better than air-drying if you use that properly. When you dry your hair by using blow dryer it will help to protect it from any heat and it hold some distance and place it on a cool setting. Don’t keep the blow dryer too close, it will begin to boil the water from your hair. If you use the hair dryer properly it’s good for your hair.

                  After you get out of a shower Try to avoid wringing your hair with a towel. If you wring your hair it will cause your hair strands to break. Because wet hair is easily broken. Whenever you blow dry your hair, you should use heat protection spray.

Avoid combing your hair while it’s wet
                Don’t comb your hair when it wet. Because wet hair is stretchers and has a tendency to break. Also, don’t comb your hair too much. Some people thing like 100 strokes a day will make it smoother. But remember it will only cause breakage to your hair.

             To make your hair softer and shinier try to use a natural bristle brush for your hair. The natural brushes give out oils throughout your hair. You can use only wide-comb for wet hair.

Use styling products
             Don’t use styling products directly on your hair. It can dry your scalp. You need to apply it only on hair strands and not on the scalp.

Shape your health for beautiful hair
             For beautiful your hair clips or barrettes can be a compliment. So manage this with your personality. Protect from breakage and tangles use fabric-covered elastics.

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