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I always um-and ah over my meal plans. As much as I love autumn and winter for their carb-filled and stodge-fuelled allowances, when it comes to food I still am one of those girls that sometimes just fancies something a bit different - something lighter. During a conversation with Islay the other day she sent me a picture of what looked like the most delicious salad in the world. What is more - the ingredients were listed underneath and I was lustful for it.

As much as I love autumn and winter for their carb-filled and stodge-fuelled allowances, when it comes to food I am still one of those girls that just fancies something a bit different - something lighter.

Knowing Dave hates salad I decided that I needed to be clever if I was to incorporate it into a dinner. He said he wanted steak and I said I wanted salad - so why not put them both together and whilst he was tucking into chips with his sirloin I could have the salad with mine instead. Simple pimple. Problem solved.

Steak is a hard one to master. Too little time on the grill and you could end up with something that looks like it should still have a bell around it's neck (unless you're like my brother and like it to look like it's come straight from the field) and too much time sees it looking like a lump of greying chewy nothingness (unless of course you like it cremated in which case go char it to hell). You need to have your steak at room temperature before you start cooking it. Don't beat the lights out of it either - unless it's rump (in which case - be my guest). A good butcher will always advise you about how to treat your meat before it sizzles so ask if you're not sure.

A good butcher will always advise you about how to treat your meat before it sizzles - so ask if you're not sure.

Before you cook you need to make sure that the pan is sizzling hot. I don't mean luke-warm, I don't mean smoking because the oil has turned black (this has happened to me before when I got distracted). I mean sizzling. Carefully place the meat on the pan and cook. You should cook steak for a minute each side per centimeter of thickness for the 'doneness' that you desire - e.g. if your steak is 2cm thick - cook one side for 1 minute, flip, cook the other side for 1 minute, flip and so on until you get the rare, medium or well done that you want.

I like my steak medium. I like the pink in the middle but I don't want my plate covered in blood. Dave on the other hand will have his rare and swimming (vampire-boy) and my brother - just 'blue' please (and wipe it's bum whilst you're at it).

I hope that didn't sound too convoluted - I am by no means a cookery writer.


You will need:

Rocket Leaves (washed)
Cherry Tomatoes (halved)
Red Onion (chopped how you like)
Avocado (diced)
Balsamic Vinegar

*This recipe originally had chicken in it but I have removed it as I'm putting it with steak instead.

Cut and dice up the avocado and leave it to one side for now. Using a small amount of oil heat a pan gently and add the chopped red onion and cherry tomatoes to soften slightly and cook a little. When this is done add all of the salad ingredients together and toss. Don't worry if the hot red onion and cherry tomatoes wilt the rocket slightly or touch the avocado. Dress with balsamic vinegar. Done.

Dress with balsamic vinegar. Done. This salad was absolutely delicious and so much better than chips.

This salad was absolutely delicious and so much better than chips. I added some sauteed garlic mushrooms to the side too (I tend to put mushrooms with everything) and, with the central heating on, it could be summer again. Well, not quite - but at least it tastes like summer again...

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