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Flashback Friday- Best Julianna Moments

In today's Flashback Friday post, I wanted to share with you my favorite Julianna Moments from these past few weeks of vlogs! She never ceases to amaze me with her funny expressions, her sweet ways, her lovable gestures and intelligence. I included my favorites and yours that I found in the comments!

I'm not sure who was more excited for the little mermaid...baby bear or Benji! 

If you guessed "B" on our vlog trivia on Facebook then you got it right!!
This girl can multi task like no other!! 

These guys are like two peas in a pod! Always having a great time playing with dad!
Diva in training... already carrying around her purse!
Isn't this the most adorable messy face? JB enjoying daddy's  gourmet mac n' cheese!

Too much fun playing "where's Julianna" before bed the night before.
Meeting Mickey for the first time. I love how gentle she was with him...so sweet!
Up close and cute having lunch!
Daddy says that she looks like a minnie me, what do you guys think?
Babies first selfie!! ;D
She amazes me with all of the things she's knows.
This was Julianna bear pointing out all the maps! (16:53)

This girl can dance too!! Having our own dance party in the living room!
The one time I don't mind sharing a cookie is with this cutie bear.

It's nice to see that she likes Helping mommy! This day it was folding cloth diapers!
Catching JB giving me the cutest smile had me giggling so much!! =)

I just love the look of curiosity she had on her face when we found the blue jay's in the back yard!
Julianna and I love Daddy for making healthy green juice for us!
I just look at the way my mom gets excited when JB comes over to visit!! I think JB is just as excited!
She's so content and focused on coloring!

Witnessing baby's first time at the theater... she was a little nervous.
It seems like you guys like moments like this as much as I do. I can't wait to see her play with her sisters when they finally arrive!
I enjoy watching her light up over something so simple as a box with a cut out. 
We love having Auntie around, she thinks of the best toys! Thanks Auntie Melody!

Reading through the comments, a few of you used to do this too 

I hope you enjoyed this little recap of the past weeks vlogs featuring Julianna. She always brightens up our days and I wanted to share some of the most recent one's with you! Comment and tell me your favorite Julianna moment!

Have a Happy Friday!

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